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At OHMS we take seriously our mission to guide students through an exciting and challenging four-year social, emotional and academic transition. Our entire program has been specifically designed to facilitate that transition of students from grade 4 at Cherry Road School to their freshman year at Westhill High School. We embrace the responsibility of supporting parents through these challenging years as well.

Each of our fifth grade classrooms is self-contained with a single teacher delivering the academic program and providing a single focus for students. 

In sixth grade, students are assigned to two person teams who share academic instruction. The students move through the day as a group, experiencing other academic and special area teachers. This design provides students the experience of changing classes but preserves the comfort of interacting with a limited number of classmates and teachers. 

Seventh and eighth graders attend classes in fairly typical secondary school fashion, changing classes each period throughout the day. Students typically take English, mathematics, science, social studies, foreign language, art, home & careers, technology, health, physical education and music.

A wide variety of intramural and interscholastic sports, musical performance groups, social events and co-curricular activities are available to students in grades 7 and 8. 

Although our students perform well on State tests, we continue to focus on curriculum improvement and staff development to meet the challenges of the New York State Standards.  We feel confident that recent curriculum work, continuation of academic intervention services and continued instructional innovation will help our students to meet these challenges.

Communication is one of the keys to a successful school and we encourage participation of our parents in helping to shape the program we offer students. Participation in Parent Council, in student activities and at school events is welcomed and encouraged. Much of what we are able to offer students, and many of the policies that govern day-to-day operations at OHMS, are a direct result of parent input and participation.  If I can answer any questions, please contact me.

Katie Ta, Principal


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Stephen R. Dunham, Superintendent
400 Walberta Road
Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: (315) 426 - 3000